Awww, you are not a whore! Whores get paid.
What you are is a karma slut. :P
If there’s no more karma… are they just a slut?
For a little I while liked watching my karma gradually climb, with a feeling that I was contributing something. But… then I realised that one shit-post on a popular subreddit can routinely ‘earn’ more karma than 1000 high quality posts on smaller subreddits. … And with that realisation, I no longer saw any value in the karma score whatsoever.
I think it’s best that it’s gone. It skewed people to make low-effort posts in high-traffic places rather than high-effort posts in low-traffic place.
The problem of caring about karma was that after a while it was evident that effort, accuracy, attitude…none of it mattered, atleast for comments. It became mostly really easy to predict how a comment would be received, with a few exceptions from cross post traffic that would shake up the votes in waves as they were posted and down/upvote brigades flooded in.
Spamming articles and hope they take off in /r/worldnews is also a thing. I look at ‘new’ tab with disgust. The same pool of redditors!
I never got the purpose of karma. You can’t spend it, it’s just a pointless number. A few subs used it, fire whatever reason, as a numbers threshold for entry, but getting karma was so trivially easy even without bots that it literally accomplished nothing in that regard.
Not that I ever cared about karma, but I can see why some people did. It plays into peoples need to be liked. Karma associates a number with how well your post is doing. Bigger number = more people liked your post. Basically quantifying how well liked your post is and then gamifying it.
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How well liked something is sadly doesn’t necessarily correlate with its truth.
Really that stat would have to be something like total karma divided by your number of posts, or number of views by logged in users on your posts. As a total number it’s meaningless. It’s like someone being a millionaire if humans were immortal. Are they really good at business, or have just been alive a long time?
Your brain sees the reward (karma) and gets a hit of dopamine. In theory this creates a spiral of encouraging you to post more contet for more dopamine hits. More content pulls in more users…
Back in 2013-ish there was a bot that would convert your karma to crypto back when it was cheap enough to just throw around like that. That was the only time in my life that I was ever paid to post, and it was like $6. I wonder how much it would be if I were to find that wallet now, but that was on an account that no longer exists. Oh, well!
It’s a game. “Numbers go up yay!”
We left Reddit to only talk about Reddit. Fuck sake lads, lasses and nb’s
But that’s the point of having a community. We get to complain together right guys?
And op is complaining about complaining, complaieception!
Well don’t just point out that OP is complaining about complaining. We need to complain about OP complaining about complaining!
Sorry, I don’t mean to complain about your lack of complaint.
I think that will improve over time. A lot of people here are fresh off Reddit’s burning ship. I think given a couple weeks people will settle in and Reddit will fade into the background.
Oh, it’s gonna take a lot longer than a couple weeks, unless all the Reddit refugees leave in that time.
What could be more shitty to post about than Reddit?
Family Guy.
Remember when Reddit was good? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Lois, Reddit is doing worse than that time I was in charge of Warner Brothers
short clip of Racist Coyote joining the KKK
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What about intersex people?
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What is the benefit of having a binary spectrum? Is it really so precious that we can’t accommodate any differences? And do we apply the same standard to other medical needs?
I got bad news… Whores have a lot of sex. And get paid for it.
I don’t know what you are.
OP’s an open source whore, obviously.
Does that mean anyone can have sex with him?
but the UI is so ugly :(
But what a backend
Apply some CSS to make it more pleasing. I hear
works wondersNow it’s only a matter of time until some hackers replace it with paperbag-with-gloryholes.css it’s a very well known vulnerability with that files security
Any type of sex. And if he can’t do it, someone else can fork him …
Yeah I’m not going to continue down that path… my own analogy now creeps me the fuck out.
An intern?
I’m so glad Karma is gone. Just overall dumb. Like a achievement score on Xbox. It’s not real and doesn’t mean anything.
It’s not real and doesn’t mean anything.
B-b-b-but! My e-peen! How else are people going to know that I did stuff?
This reminds me of the early '00s forums signature banners. Can we bring those back cuz they were sick
You can make your profile snazzy tho.
I don’t see why not.
How the fuck am I supposed to evaluate my worth as a person without an arbitrary number assigned by internet strangers???
I wouldnt call it dumb overall. It definitely has good sides.
For example the karma race aka who posts a news first. That leads to communities being very up to date and discussion can happen very quickly.
Also it creates some incentive to post good comments, because its fun to know people value your opinion
But ofc there is also the other side that people post dumb memes and do reposts.
But acting like it has no worth at all is stupid as well imo
Are you telling me that the race for the first to 100 million achievement score means nothing??!1?2!?
At least there’s a rewards system for achievement score. I never got anything for all that sweet karma I got with my massive insights and funny quips.
That’s why I stopped being insightfully funny.
I couldn’t find a link to sell. I wonder if they’re not buying anymore or I’m just blind.
Agree that I personally found it a waste of time but I do wonder if having it encourages more people to post good/funny content more regularly. That said surely it’s the same thing really just having it per post rather than an overall score
I see your strategy. Double comments to rack up those sweet sweet invisible comment points!
God damn it lol
A ho no mo? ;(
no, they still a ho, they just said that
youus rightI used to tell myself I didn’t care about karma, but God’s truth is that it made me happy to know that people enjoyed my comments. I did things I’m not proud of for those red arrows.
Now I don’t want karma back. I’m free of the invisible chains that were weighing me down!
I’m confused. I can still see accounts’ “comment” and “post” scores as numbers. Is that essentially different from karma?
Edit: never mind looks like it’s just wefwef
Yeah, I’ve been hearing that mobile apps can see it.
we called them post whores
Guessing they just try and post as much as possible to get there post numbers up lol
I feel called out. I swear it’s just to engage the community more!!
Engaging isn’t that bad, I guess it depends on what people are posting as well as what sort of comes from it.
Haha, yeah man. I totally agree with this.
Definitely. The more comments the better!
This guy gets it!
in the old forums you would see both totals and metrics based on things like join data. ex. ppd - posts per day
The other thing you would have were signatures and account badges/tags/awards.
I remember we had posting games like “the poster below me” or “the poster above me”, and “count to 1000” threads to boost those numbers. Good times.
That sounds so cool, why didn’t it get transferred over?
signatures were very dividing, a community usually had them or they didn’t and there were sometimes huge complain threads about them so they kind of just fell out of favor. You can still find places that use them.
badges reddit adopted and put into the profile page similar to steam which was not a bad idea since people with a lot of badges created new UX issues.
then you have status flairs and tags, these I really wish had come back, some subs enabled user flair which in some cases replicated the old forum style through CSS mods. Some of the styles you might have might be that your name glowed or had a small animation among other things. I always really liked these though I suspect at scale they have exploitation issues.
I think some of these features could make a come back on smaller instances. Not sure we should go entirely back to the way it was done in the 00s though.
I’ve never been a karma whore, just a normal whore.
Getting fucked up the ass >>> internet points
I had a ton of karma points back in the old place. I think they sent me a notice saying I was in the top 5%. Didn’t give a shit. Don’t miss it. Just don’t care at all. Glad to be here with you.
I am a filthy good for nothin
Is this one of the endless hints that there is no karma in Lemmy? Have you seen the little up and down arrows under every post and comment? One of my comments recently got forty-five down arrows and I’ll see how many dislikes this comment gets.
But there’s no total karma for the profile, i think that’s what OP meant
Except for there is. It’s just most apps don’t allow you to easily see it, but some (wefwef in particular) do.
Wefwef doesn’t pull it from the API, it attempts to sim your points to calculate your karma itself. However, it varies in its accuracy, I recently checked and it said my comment karma was 8.
Yeah, it was right for a while on mine, then not so much, now it looks like it’s right again, or close to it at least. I am trying out Memmy now, and it also shows a total score. Looks like it shows both upvotes and downvotes too, which will probably drive a lot of people insane.
I only get to upvote things for some reason… So have an upvote
Some instances turn off downvotes
How do you dislike on this site there’s only downvote buttons/s
i WISH i was a whore; but the best i can do is very infrequent grindr hookups. lol